1. Introduction
    Czesław Domański, Anna Witaszczyk
  2. First Statisticians of Łódź
    Czesław Domański
  3. Economic and Sociological Community of Łódź until the Year 1945
    Julian Kuciński


  5. The Method of Risk Measurement in Case of Stochastic Definition of Net Present Value
    Jacek Białek
  6. Optimum Chemical Balance Weighing Design with Correlated Errors Based on Bipartite and Ternary Designs
    Bronisław Ceranka, Małgorzata Graczyk
  7. Attempt to Assess Multivariate Normality Tests
    Czesław Domański
  8. Internal Cluster Quality Indexes for Classification of Symbolic Data
    Andrzej Dudek
  9. Measures of Diversity and the Classification Error in the Multiple-model Approach
    Eugeniusz Gatnar
  10. Limit Property of a Compound of the Generalized Negative Binomial and Beta Distributions
    Tadeusz Gerstenkorn
  11. An Influence of Distance Measure Among Sample Units on Efficiency of the Modified Synthetic Estimator : Monte Carlo Analysis
    Tomasz Jurkiewicz
  12. On the Multivariate Test for Stability of the Population Proportions
    Grzegorz Kończak, Maria Czogała
  13. On Testing Linearity of Trend Function
    Grzegorz Kończak, Janusz Wywiał
  14. A Proposal of New Classification Algorithm
    Jerzy Korzeniewski
  15. About Robust Estimators of Average Shape and Variance of Shape
    Daniel Kosiorowski
  16. Ordering the Spatial Units by the Non-standard Method at Various Standarization Transformations
    Andrzej Mantaj, Wiesław Wagner
  17. Kruskal-Wallis Test in Multiple Comparisons
    Dariusz Parys
  18. Sequential Probability Ratio Test for Mean Based on Pseudo-Likelihood Function
    Dorota Pckasiewicz
  19. Estimation of Variance of Logistic Regression Predictors for Small Areas
    Krystyna Pruska
  20. The Wavelet Transform in Regression
    Joanna Trzęsiok
  21. Clustering Methods Applied to Reduce the Training Sample Size in Support Vector Machines
    Michał Trzęsiok
  22. Remarks on Classical Means for One and Many Samples
    Wiesław Wagner


  24. Forecasting Income Distributions of Households in Poland on the Basis of Markov Chains
    Andrzej Czajkowski
  25. Macroeconomic Risk of Investment Portfolios at the Warsaw Stock Exchange
    Felicjan Jaguś
  26. Comparing Income Distributions - Methods and their Application to Wage Distributions in Poland
    Alina Jędrzejczak
  27. Application of Discriminant Analysis and Neural Networks to Forecasting the Financial Standing of Farms
    Joanna Kisielińska
  28. Using Artificial Neural Networks to Predict Stock Prices
    Tomasz Kozdraj
  29. Duration of Unemployment in the Area of the District Job Centre of Pabianice in the Year 2005 : Empirical Analysis of Changes in Time by Demo-Social Features
    Anna Malarska
  30. Evaluation of Investing Efficiency of Open Pension Funds by Means of the Method of Cluster Analysis
    Artur Mikulec
  31. Knowledge Indicators for Polish Provinces
    Andrzej Pawluczuk
  32. Selected Premium Estimation Methods in Automobile Liability Insurance
    Anna Szymańska

Zadanie pt. Digitalizacja i udostępnienie w Cyfrowym Repozytorium Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego kolekcji czasopism naukowych wydawanych przez Uniwersytet Łódzki nr 885/P-DUN/2014 zostało dofinansowane ze środków MNiSW w ramach działalności upowszechniającej naukę.

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