Gospodarcza i społeczna rola lokalnej polityki mieszkaniowej. Ocena wybranych instrumentów wsparcia mieszkaniowego na podstawie badań komparatywnych
Increasing housing affordability and stimulating the overall supply of (affordable)
housing is identified as a major housing policy goal and socio-economic challenge in many
OECD countries. The problem of increasing the supply of (affordable) housing is common
to the countries studied, despite differences in local housing policies. These differences
relate to the degree to which housing needs are met and the solutions adopted at local
government levels in the cities studied.
Evaluation of the effectiveness of selected housing support programs in the analyzed
cities, taking into account the complexity and diversity of their tools used to solve local
housing problems, was adopted as the main scientific objective.
The main objective of the study is to review and evaluate selected housing support
instruments in selected countries and cities, taking into account the complexity and
diversity of tools used to solve local housing problems. The subject of the study are local
housing policies and solutions adopted at the local level in selected cities of the Czech
Republic, Germany and Polish. The comparative analysis was carried out starting from the
framework of national housing policy (including state housing benefit) of the analyzed
countries, and then moving on to local housing policy and local housing support
instruments applied in the analyzed cities and their results.
The work covers the years from 2009 to 2019. The study carried out in the work was
limited to 2019, because in 2020 the Covid-19 pandemic caused the emergence of new
housing support programs aimed at financial support related to the financial crisis caused
by the pandemic.
The research methods used in the paper are: comparative analysis of the literature on
the subject, a case study, analysis of legal acts and analysis of found data of public statistics.
The following sources were used to obtain statistical data: Central Statistical Office (CSO),
Český statistický úřad, Koncepce sociálního bydlení v Brně, Magistrát města Ostravy, Úřad
práce ČR - krajská pobočka v Ostravě, Statistisches Bundesamt (Federal Statistical Office
in Germany).
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