Jak powstały nazwy Zaborze, Międzybłocie, Odbłonie i podobne
The article is devoted to detailed description of the models on the basis of whih the
neuter, nominative singular local names with the ending are formed. These names are
derived from prepositional expressions and originate in the process of paradigmatic (inflectional)
derivation. They can be divided into two basie groups. The first group encompasses such
names as Międzygórze (: góra), Zaokopie (: okop), Pozagumnie (: gumno); the second group
compprises names like Międzypole (: pole), Przedblonie (: błonie), Zamorze (: morze).
The first phase of derivation is common for the names belonging to both the groups
- a prepositional expression changes into a neuter noun. In the second phase, in the first
group, the derived form has a paradigm different from the noun in the syntactic expression
from which it is derived. In the second group such a change does not occur, and derivation
is based on the characteristic inflectional „immobilization” of the noun.