Mechanizm powstawania błędów w rekcji czasownikowej (w ramach klas semantycznych czasownika)
One of the significant contributions of structural semanlics is a discovery of dependence
between the meaning of the verb and its government properties. This dependence finds
expression, among other things, in the tendency lowards uniformization of the governmenl
of verbs belonging to the same semantic class. Errors within the verbal government are
extremely freąuent, which testifies to the strength and vitality of the process of uniformization.
A given semantic class usually has one type of government. If a verb belonging to this
class governs a different case form, there usually follows a uniformization of its government
properties, which, from the point of view of the binding language norm, is considered to be
an error. In time the use of such uniformized form can become a language norm, e. g. rządzić
kim, czym (to govern smb) in the Old Polish had the form of rządzić kogo, co.
In certain cases the verb may be used in an incorrect meaning - it then enters a new
semantic class and takes over its type of govermnent, e. g. koordynować kim, czym (to
coordinate smb) in the sense of kierować kim, czym (to direct smb); ingerować na co (to
interfere in smth) in the sense of wywierać wpływ na co (to exert influence on smth).
The vitality of the uniformizations within semantic classes of the verb is additionally
underscored by the fact such structures appear in the language of TV commentators, in the
press, as well as in the language of schoolchildren.
The process of government uniformization is by no means limited to a particular stage
of language development. It exists sińce the beginning of the formation of the Polish language,
making uniform syntactic properties of verbs within particular semantic classes.