Kształcenie językowe w szkole średniej w świetle realizacji dotychczasowego i założeń nowego programu języka polskiego
The author points out that the present syllabus fot the teaching of
Polish underestimates the importance of, and, consequently, does not »rant
proper place to, various aspects of language and linguistics. It results
from the fact that the major part of the teaching program is the history
of literature. The pupils’ grades are based mainly on their knowledge of
the history of literature. Similarly, the teacher is graded on the basis of
how far he is with the history of literature part of the program.
The new syllabus assigns the proper rank and place to the teaching
about the language. It is different from the old syllabus in both the selection
and the arrangement of the subject matter. The new material includes
the notion of linguistic communication, selected aspects of sociolinguistics
(the relation between language and social life), etc. The new syllabus
stresses the requirement that its three main components - linguistic knowledge, the history of literature, and practice in speaking and writing
should be strictly connected. More attention than so far will be paid especially
to the practice in speaking and writing.