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Editorial Board:
Georgi Minczew (editor-in-chief), Mirosław J. Leszka (co-editor-in-chief), Kirił Marinow (scientific secretary), Małgorzata Skowronek (scientific secretary), Andrzej Kompa (subject editor, Byzantine studies), Agata Kawecka (subject editor, Slavic studies), Ivan N. Petrov (secretary)

Editorial Council
Hana Gladkova (Charles University in Prague), James Douglas Howard-Johnston (Corpus Christi College, Oxford), Ewald Kislinger (University of Vienna), Eliza Małek (University of Łódź), Józef Naumowicz (Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University in Warsaw), Szymon Olszaniec (Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń), Stefano Parenti (Pontifical Atheneum of St. Anselm, Rome), Günter Prinzing (Johannes Gutenberg University of Mainz), Rustam Shukurov (Lomonosov State University), Yuri Stoyanov (University of London)

Reviewers (vol. 6, 2016):
Per Ambrosiani (Umeå University); Adelina Angusheva-Tihanov (University of Manchester); Katarzyna Balbuza (Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań); Giovanna Brogi (University of Milan); Jerzy Ciecieląg (Pedagogical University of Cracow); Liesbeth M.G.F.E. Claes (University of Amsterdam); Thomas Daiber (Justus Liebig University, Giessen); Aneta Dimitrova (St. Clement of Ohrid University of Sofia); Jarosław Dudek (University of Zielona Góra); Nathan T. Elkins (Baylor Univeristy, Waco); Daniel Fokas (Institute of Ethnology and Folklore Studies with Ethnographic Museum, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sofia); Diana Ivanova (Paisii Hilendarski University of Plovdiv); Maya Ivanova (Cyrillo-Methodian Research Centre, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences / Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań); Piotr Kochanek (John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin); Karel Komárek (Palacký University in Olomouc); Anna Kotłowska (Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań); Marzanna Kuczyńska (Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań); Nina Kvlividze (Russian State University for the Humanities, Moscow); Marek Ławreszuk (University of Białystok); Ida Gilda Mastrorosa (University of Florence); Ireneusz Mikołajczyk (Nicolus Copernicus University in Toruń); Ireneusz Milewski (University of Gdańsk); Yavor Miltenov (Institute for Bulgarian Language, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sofia); Elissaveta Moussakova (Sts. Cyril and Methodius National Library, Sofia); Anna Pichkhadze (Vinogradov Russian Language Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow); Rafał Rosół (Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań); Milena Rozhdestvenskaia (Institute of the Russian Literature, Russian Academy of Science, St. Petersburg); Rostislav Stankov (St. Clement of Ohrid University of Sofia); Krassimir Stantchev (Roma Tre University in Rome); Jan Stradomski (Jagellonian University, Cracow); Tatjana Subotin-Golubović (University of Belgrade); Aleksandra Sulikowska-Bełczowska (University of Warsaw); Piotr Szczur (John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin); Adrian Szopa (Pedagogical University of Cracow); Sergejus Temčinas (Institute of the Lithuanian Language, Lithuanian Academy of Sciences, Vilnius); Anna-Maria Totomanova (St. Clement of Ohrid University of Sofia); Teresa Wolińska (University of Łódź)

Linguistic editors:
For English – Yvonne Loske, for Russian – Ivan N. Petrov, Roman A. Sacharov

Marcin Cyrulski (University of Łódź), Michał Zytka (Cardiff)

Cover designed by:
Sebastian Buzar

Tomasz Pietras

On the cover:
The icon of Pantokrator from Mesembria (Nesebăr, Bulgaria), 13th century, today in the Museum of Christian Art, Crypt of the cathedral of St. Alexander Nevsky. Photo: Viktoria Marinov

Table of Contents

Professor Oktawiusz Jurewicz as a Byzantinist (1926–2016)
Andrzej Kompa, Mirosław J. Leszka

The Bible in the Byzantine-Slavic World: from Liturgical Books to Printed Scripture

1. Le più recenti ricerche sui vangeli slavi (1999–2016). Qualche riflessione critica
Marcello Garzaniti
2. Linguistic Equivalence of the Hebrew Term Eden in Slavic Translations of the Bible
Agata Kawecka, Rafał Zarębski
3. The Role of the Bible in the Formation of Philosophical Thought in Kievan Rus’ (as Exemplified by Ilarion of Kiev, Kliment Smolatič, and Kirill of Turov)
Justyna Kroczak
4. The Place of the Mihanović Psalter in the Fourteenth-Century Revisions of the Church Slavonic Psalter
Catherine Mary MacRobert
5. Об одной незнакомой болгарской катене на Псалтырь в списке ХІV века
Светлина Николова
6. Typological Classification of the Cyrillic Manuscripts and Early Printed Books with the Gospel Texts
Jerzy Ostapczuk
7. Издания библейских текстов в южнославянской кирилловской старопечатной традиции XVI века
Иван Н. Петров
8. Библейские цитаты во втором славянском переводе Исторической палеи (предварительные замечания)
Малгожата Сковронек
9. Откровение св. Иоанна Богослова среди православных славян и в южнославянской письменности
Ива Трифонова
10. Dots and Acute Accent Shapes in the Dobrejšo Gospel
Cynthia M. Vakareliyska
11. Паримейные чтения в четьих списках Книги Исход
Веселка Желязкова


1. La connaissance de la loi ecclésiastique chez Socrate de Constantinople en confrontation avec l‘oeuvre de Hermias Sozomène
Sławomir Bralewski
2. Augustus Polonus. The Image of the Emperor in Polish Historiography in Inter-War Period. Preliminary Remarks
Andrzej Gillmeister
3. Adversus Iudaeos in the Sermon Written by Theodore Syncellus on the Avar Siege of AD 626
Martin Hurbanič
4. Faces of Aeneas. Representations on Roman Coins and Medallions
Agata A. Kluczek
5. Medical Science of Milk Included in Celsus’ Treatise De medicina
Maciej Kokoszko, Jolanta Dybała
6. Bread as Food and Medicament in Oribasius’ Writings
Maciej Kokoszko, Krzysztof Jagusiak, Jolanta Dybała
7. Imaging Evil in the First Chapters of Genesis: Texts behind the Images in Eastern Orthodox Art
Margarita Kuyumdzhieva
8. Verses of Faith and Devotion. Seeing, Reading, and Touching Monumental Crucifixes with Inscriptions (12th–13th century)
Matko Matija Marušić

Book reviews

1. Book reviews: Ivan Petrov, Od inkunabułów do pierwszych gramatyk. Konteksty rozwoju bułgarskiego języka literackiego (koniec XV – początek XVII wieku)
Agata Kawecka
2. Book reviews: Хърватските бугарщици и техните български съответствия. Статии и материали, ed. СТЕФАНА СТОЙКОВА
Karolina Krzeszwska
3. Book reviews: Przemysław Marciniak, Taniec w roli Tersytesa. Studia nad satyrą bizantyńską
Mirosław J. Leszka
4. Book reviews: Stanisław Rek, Kosowe Pole 1389
Mirosław J. Leszka
5. Book reviews: Błażej Szefliński, Trzy oblicza Sawy Nemanjicia. Postać historyczna – autokreacja – postać literacka
Mirosław J. Leszka
6. Book reviews: Симеонов сборник (по Светославовия препис от 1073 г.), ed. Петя Янева, vol. III, Гръцки извори
Сергей Новицкий
7. Book reviews: Marek Wilczyński, Gejzeryk i „czwarta wojna punicka”
Łukasz Pigoński


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