Wyświetlanie pozycji 1-19 z 19

    • Narkomania w wojsku – wybrane uwarunkowania 

      Dudek, Mieczysław (Archidiecezjalne Wydawnictwo Łódzkie, 2009-05-15)
      Drug abuse is a growing social problem in Poland and is a particularly serious problem in the Military. The conditions of military service may be a factor that stimulates drug addiction among soldiers, particularly those ...
    • Trzydzieści srebrników 

      Kropiwnicki, Jerzy (Archidiecezjalne Wydawnictwo Łódzkie, 2009-05-15)
      he last 2000 years have seen a change in the prices of silver, grain, land as well as a change in living costs, the salary of hired labourers and police informers. The relationships between those figures have also changed ...
    • Model szkoły w świetle pedagogiki chrześcijańskiej Instytutu Edukacji Narodowej 

      Śliwerski, Bogusław (Archidiecezjalne Wydawnictwo Łódzkie, 2009-05-15)
      The paper focuses on the role of the Institute of National Education set up in 1997 within Radio Maryja, an intellectual formation chosen by right-wing politicians. The Institute is interested in reforming education; it ...
    • Dydaktyczne znaczenie ekonomii instytucjonalnej, jako nurtu ukazującego rolę moralności w życiu gospodarczym 

      Fjałkowski, Karol (Archidiecezjalne Wydawnictwo Łódzkie, 2009-05-15)
      In the paper a thesis is stated that institutional economics presents considerable support for business ethics teaching. The assumptions of main-stream economics eliminated the problems of morality in economic life. The ...
    • Etyczne i polityczno-prawne dylematy samorządu terytorialnego w Polsce 

      Kasiński, Michał (Archidiecezjalne Wydawnictwo Łódzkie, 2009-05-15)
      The reform of Polish self-government in the 90's has led to the restoration of local democracy. However, the self-governmental institutions soon fell into crisis, having nearly lost the social trust required for the ...
    • Kilka uwag o roli ocen etycznych w prawie cywilnym 

      Pajor, Tomasz (Archidiecezjalne Wydawnictwo Łódzkie, 2009-05-15)
      Civil law norms give a considerable space for ethical value judgments. In this respect, the key role is played by the provisions called “general clauses” that refer to extra-juridical value judgments and oblige to take ...
    • Etyczne i wychowawcze aspekty opinii publicznej 

      Lepa, Adam (Archidiecezjalne Wydawnictwo Łódzkie, 2009-05-15)
      This paper is concerned with the issue of public opinion considered from two points of view: ethical and educational. It has been inspired by the insufficient knowledge of society about public opinion as well as the ...
    • Etyczny wymiar globalnego rozprzestrzeniania się epidemii AIDS/HIV na świecie – zarys problemu 

      Jołkiewicz, Dorota (Archidiecezjalne Wydawnictwo Łódzkie, 2009-05-15)
      AIDS is an example of the global threat. In my article I would like to present the most important ethical dilemmas related to global outspreading of AIDS/HIV epidemic in the world and also make an attempt of finding a ...
    • Nowe dylematy medycyny – zjawisko macierzyństwa zastępczego w perspektywie społeczno-etycznej 

      Walerjan, Bożena (Archidiecezjalne Wydawnictwo Łódzkie, 2009-05-15)
      Contemporary medicine offers more and more possibilities as far as procreation is concerned. They are available, first of all, to infertile couples (IVF – In Vitro Fertilization). However, the advanced reproductive ...
    • Zmiana paradygmatu zarządzania w ekoempatycznej koncepcji menedżeryzmu 

      Bombała, Bronisław (Archidiecezjalne Wydawnictwo Łódzkie, 2009-05-15)
      The negative tendencies in contemporary society and organisations occur as a result of technocratic culture (technopoly). To improve this situation, it is necessary to change the technocratic decision-making paradigm to ...
    • Gospodarz etyczny, gospodarz roztropny. Czy wolno okradać złodzieja? 

      Rotengruber, Pzremysław (Archidiecezjalne Wydawnictwo Łódzkie, 2009-05-15)
      Two parallel problems come under close scrutiny in my paper. First of them concerns the question whether victims of a (politically or economically) stronger thief are ethically entitled to steal their property in revenge? ...
    • Etyka w działalności samorządu terytorialnego 

      Stawecki, Marek (Archidiecezjalne Wydawnictwo Łódzkie, 2009-05-15)
      Corruption is an actual threat to democracy as it impairs the citizens’ trust towards the state. Therefore, it is necessary to undertake any actions that would prevent it; actions that would promote the formation of ...
    • Psycholog jako nauczyciel akademicki w mediach. Refleksja etyczna 

      Stepulak, Marian (Archidiecezjalne Wydawnictwo Łódzkie, 2009-05-15)
      As members of academic societies and acting in accordance with a professional-ethical code, psychologists are required to realise principal ethical values connected with their profession, which include dignity, subjectivity ...
    • Czy nadszedł czas wielkich pytań? 

      Zanussi, Krzysztof (Archidiecezjalne Wydawnictwo Łódzkie, 2009-05-15)
      One thing we cannot do is failing to address the issue of ‘what next’? Where are we heading? What are our objectives on the horizon of dreams and not short-term solutions? Where is mankind heading as a whole? It is you ...
    • Przyjaźń i wspólnota, jako czynniki autentyzmu życia i działania ludzi. Kilka uwag na podstawie własnego doświadczenia 

      Sztylka, Andrzej (Archidiecezjalne Wydawnictwo Łódzkie, 2009-05-15)
      Friendship is the foremost form of human individual relation, a demanding community of ethical courage and reciprocation of the measure of life in the ethico-existential dimension. The said relation is of autotelic nature, ...
    • „Testamentowa” „teoria” sprawiedliwości 

      Bartula, Piotr (Archidiecezjalne Wydawnictwo Łódzkie, 2009-05-15)
      Important problems of justice are raised by a project according to which the sovereign gives to victims the right to pardon a wrongdoer orally or in a testament. The author supports such an individualization of the right ...
    • Religie świata i ich stanowisko wobec eutanazji 

      Skura-Madziała, Anna (Archidiecezjalne Wydawnictwo Łódzkie, 2009-05-15)
      The attitude towards death and dying reflects the society’s view on a human being as a subject. Due to the progress in medical science a growing interest has been observed in the problem of death, including the right to ...
    • Elity medyczne versus elity polityczne: kryzys elit zaufania publicznego 

      Gałuszka, Mieczysław (Archidiecezjalne Wydawnictwo Łódzkie, 2009-05-15)
      The article analyzes the crisis of political and medical elites in the context of honesty, reliability and diligence. The starting point is the notion of “professional elite” and the differences between representatives of ...
    • Etyka w pracy przedstawiciela medycznego 

      Makowska, Marta (Archidiecezjalne Wydawnictwo Łódzkie, 2009-05-15)
      Over the last few years, the pharmaceutical industry intensified marketing activity in Poland. One of the most important ways of promotion are visits by pharmaceutical sales representatives in physicians’ offices. ...